Just a Few Updates

Hello all –

So, I thought I would just type a quick post to update everyone on what has been going on in Charger household. It is probably good that I waited a little bit to write this (as it has allowed my emotions to calm down a bit). Office Charger did not get the position that he has tested for. He did score second place though (which I am so proud of him for!). The position went  to someone who had previously tested (that the department wanted), but could not hire during the last round of hiring due to another candidate who was a Veteran. The rule with town council is that if a Veteran scores in the top three they have to hire them. So, rightful so the officer that scored first during that last round did not get the position, but scored first again this time and was given the position. Officer Charger and the others testing knew this would probably be the case – but all gave it their all regardless. The silver lining is that the council has budgeted for another position and should hire sometime between July and September. Officer Charger will have to go through another round of interviews, but his chances this round are fairly high.

Other than the disappointment of the position – things have been good in our household. I have been working (just my one job) for about nine months now – and I have to say I love only having one job. I am not sure that I will ever go back to having two. When I was working two jobs our household was insane (neither of us had time for anything!) – I am now able to see Charger more, schedule around his insane schedule, and can handle the household duties much better. I also have time to go to Pure Barre on almost a daily basis (which one of my workout passions – and you will probably see more posts about it in the future). I have also had time to read – I just recently finished Divergent (and discussed it with my High School Book Club) – it was an amazing novel -a very similar genre/plot to The Hunger Games series (which I also love). I am looking forward to seeing the movie, which just came out (I believe last night).

I have to say – I feel like I have come a long way as a police wife. I used to sit at home and sort of just be there – especially when Charger was in academy. It was awful. But, I now feel like I have a purpose- I have hobbies and focus on finding things to do that I enjoy and that are important. Fellow police wives – what have you found to be a good hobby to get involved with?

My current top five:
5. Cooking – I love cooking and experimenting with different recipes, even though I rarely follow a recipe. I have been on an insane muffin kick lately- no idea why….okay I might know why, three words: Coffee Cake Muffins.

4. Reading – although this usually results in me staying up WAY too late (because I can’t put a book down!)

3. TV (although, not the most stimulating hobby- sometimes it is nice to just zone out)- I do get sucked into shows such a Dance Moms (I can’t help it!).

2. Beachbody – I am a Beachbody coach, and although I haven’t done much with the business. I do enjoy the insane discount on workouts and the amazing vegan chocolate shakeology shakes they have. I am looking forward to starting one of their new workout programs next week- the 21 Day Fix. Which will hopefully help me fix some of the not so good eating habits I have been falling into lately. (If you do want to check out my site you can here.)

1. Pure Barre! (told you it was a passion of mine!) – I love going, and have made some amazing friends there. I would recommend Pure Barre to anyone looking for something different that will make you feel awesome. The confidence I have gained there is amazing! I have also met some empowering women there as well.

If you are looking for a hobby to get into – I hope that that list helps!

Quick vent before signing off for the day -it is  officially Springtime – why does Mother Nature insist on making it snow?

Until next time-

Stay Safe – and remember to take some time to focus on you.

-Ms. Officer Charger